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Localization status

Language Language Code Translated Validated
English en 100% ✔︎ (Philip)
German de 100% ✔︎ (Philip, Max)
French fr 100% ✔︎ (Léa)
Spanish es 100%
Polish pl 99% ✔︎ (Lukem)
Czech cz 100% ✔︎ (Michal)

Help us with localization

Localizations can be found in src/locales. All language files are in a [countrycode].json file. Please check our translations if there is already one localization file available in the language you are speaking. Otherwise, please create a new json file and duplicate the contents of the en.json file and translate the strings to your language.

Legal documents and everything that is only available in English and/or German should not be translated. This would require us to get a Laywer everytime we got a new translation. Thank you very much!

Optional steps

If you want to help us make the localization process faster, you can also modify the following files: